Overview – The Bloodbound Horror periodically manifests creatures into [The Unseeming] to aid its assault. When splattered by [Gruesome Disgorge]players enter [The Unseeming] and can attack the creatures directly. Upon reaching 100 energy, The Bloodbound Horror assails players with [Goresplatter], inflicting deadly damage to those caught within.
Gruesome Disgorge – The Bloodbound Horror vomits Black Blood in a cone in front of itself, inflicting 2176589 Shadow damage and an additional 217659 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 40 sec. Players under this effect briefly peer into The Unseeming.
The Unseeming – A shadowy realm below reality where true horrors lurk.
Black Bulwark (Interruptible)– The Lost Watcher channels the essence of The Unseeming into The Bloodbound Horror, causing it to absorb 13059531 damage, increasing every 1 sec for 10 sec.
Spectral Slam – The Lost Watcher slams their current target, inflicting 5223813 Physical damage.